Stable skyrmions in graphene-based epitaxial trilayers

Recent advances on the stabilization and manipulation of chiral magnetization configurations in systems consisting in alternating atomic layers of ferromagnetic and non-magnetic materials hold promise of innovation in spintronics technology. The low dimensionality of...

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The light in the tunnel

Researchers from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, IMDEA Nanociencia and IFIMAC have developed a new method for the fabrication and characterization of atomic-sized photonic cavities, by exploiting the mechano-quantum tunnel effect. This discovery may be fundamental...

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Rodolfo Miranda interviewed in El País

Nanoscience 'tsunami' is to come and it is going to change the world Interview with Professor Rodolfo Miranda, IMDEA Nanociencia's Director and NanomagCOST's Coordinator in the section "Patio de Vecinos" of  El País. Read more (in Spanish)

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Quantum nanoconfinement effects observed without confinement

The means for exploiting quantum effects in the electronic behabiour of nanoscale materials has been an attractive attribute for next generation devices that is unique to nanomaterials - or is it? Researchers in Madrid, Spain, have now observed the quantization of...

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