NanomagCOST (Nanomagnetism Solutions to Social Challenges; Ref: S2018/NMT-4321) is a multidisciplinary consortium of magnetism researchers from Madrid. It is based on two former Activities Programs funded by Madrid Regional Government (Nanobiomagnet, 2010-2014, and NanoFrontMag, 2014-2018), and it aims to provide solutions to the social challenges pointed by the European Commission through magnetism research. NanomagCOST’s work is framed in four main challenges: i) disruptive information technologies with low power consumption; ii) magnetic sensors; iii) strategic magnetic materials, and iv) applications in oncology and neurology.

The NanomagCOST Program integrates a select interdisciplinary group of 80 scientist from four academic institutions (UAM, UCM, CSIC e IMDEA Nanociencia) from Madrid, organized in five research groups (coordinated respectively by Rodolfo Miranda, Herman Suderow, Pilar Marín, Manuel Vázquez, and Alberto Bollero) and four laboratories from the Madrid RedLab Network (led by Agustina Asenjo, ICMM-CSIC, Juan de la Figuera, IQFR-CSIC, Miguel Ángel Ramos, UAM, and Paolo Perna, IMDEA Nanociencia). To address the objectives of basic character and the envisaged applications, NanomagCOST counts on the knowledge and skills of physicists, chemists, biologists, and engineers, who will continue with former research avenues and will add new ones to maintain Madrid as an international reference in Nanomagnetism applied to Health, IT, and Materials fields.


Since the birth of modern magnetism in the mid-19th century, this science field has advanced by borrowing concepts from physics, chemistry, and mathematics to develop multiple applications in fields as different as engineering and medicine. NanomagCOST continues with this strategy, and includes the union of basic and applied science, where research centers and universities collaborate with hospitals and companies to approach the following goals:

  1. Quantum materials for magnetism
  2. Low power consumption spin-based technologies
  3. Control and design of magnetization dynamics
  4. Strategic permanent magnets
  5. Development of magnetic micro and nanosensors
  6. Nanomagnetism biomedical applications in Oncology and Infectious Diseases
  7. Nanomagnetism biomedical applications in Neurology
  8. Magnetic imaging for magnetic textures visualization at nanometric scale

NanomagCOST-CM is funded by the Regional Madrid Government through the call Technology2018.


Name: Surfaces Lab

Institution: UAM

PI: Rodolfo Miranda


Name: Institute of Applied Magnetism

Organism: UCM

PI: Pilar Marín


Name: Group of Nanomagnetism and Magnetization Processes

Institution: ICMM-CSIC

PI: Manuel Vázquez


Name: Low Temperature Group

Institution: UAM

PI: Hermann Suderow

Lab 265

Name: Scanning Probe Microscopy Lab

Institution: ICMM-CSIC

PI: Agustina Asenjo

Lab 287

Name: Low Temperature Laboratory

Institution: UAM

PI: Miguel Ángel Ramos

Lab 282
Lab 448

Name: Lab of Characterization “Ramón Gancedo”

Institution: IQFR-CSIC

PI: Juan de la Figuera